Saturday, March 8, 2008

My namesake, my spiritual connection...

Emi ("a long awaited blessing")...I was 10 when she was born, and she and I are closer in age than her dad and I (my brother)...With each passing year, the gap feels closer and closer. She and I "get each other"...we seem to have twin spirits...Much of her life has parallelled mine--places she lived, growing up in the military, daughter of a colonel,...but more than that many of her thoughts and feelings that she has expressed to me over the years could have been mine as well...

We have been thinking about each other a lot over the past few days, playing phone tag, etc. and we finally got to chat this morning. It was really like a boost to my spirit that I almost didn't realize I needed. Although we don't get to chat a lot, when we do, I feel loved, supported and understood...She truly blesses me...

Her name is perfect.

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