Sunday, March 9, 2008

Almost 30 years...

Someone who has seen me through the roughest waters...threw me a life jacket so many times, and caught mine when she needed one...

Right there to hand me a tissue or give me a high-five, to help me find humor in a rough situation, or to unconditionally support.

She's there to love my kids just as her own, and to see, love and appreciate the things in them that sometimes I forget.

She is strong, loving, kind and has inspired me for many years. I have seen her evolve like a butterfly, and I know her journey was not easy.

She helps me in my quest to become a better mom, friend and person...

Thanks, sister...

1 comment:

Tosha Pizzini said...

On both sunny and stormy days, we help each other feel the earth. I am thankful for you. We feel the grittiness of soil and we ultimately enjoy it. Utimately, all anyone truly possesses is love and trust and we have tons of that.