Saturday, March 1, 2008

The Best Stuff is Unplanned

I love those rare days when we have absolutely nothing planned. No commitments, birthday parties, sports, no thoughts as to how to entertain the three of them...And sometimes I forget how refreshing those days are...

Today was going to be one of those semi-busy days, but instead, due to an unexpected trip Matthew made to the doctor, I found myself hanging out with Michael and Missy at our apartment with no plans. We got greasy drive-thru breakfast foods, had a little picnic in the living room, and then they played with each other for hours---they played Tinkertoys, made a Play-Doh museum for me to visit, played several games, watched some TV, and then played "karate class"--taking turns being the teacher. They were SOOO CUTE..I had the best time just watching them. I was reminded of what good friends they will be someday, and that made me happy. Despite their sibling squabbles, they really do enjoy each other's company (most of the time).

They blessed me today...

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