Sunday, April 20, 2008

EARNING his Black Belt

Matthew is now a Black Belt...Seeing him tie that crisp new belt around his waist for the first time at the end of his exam was one of those moments I will have etched in my mind forever. A flood of images and emotions washed over me as I saw him remove his half brown/half black belt and replace it with his new black one....I remembered his very first lesson when he was only four, his excitement, his innocence and over the years some difficult times he had feeling apprehensive, nervous and discouraged. Physically, what he learned did not come easily or naturally, and every belt he earned was the result of diligent practice and never giving up. Sometimes I felt as though he was going to classes for me and that he just didn't want to complain...but I saw him evolve into really wanting to do it for himself, and truly enjoying each accomplishment with pride...His gentle spirit has always been apparent---quietly observing, taking things in around him, listening, learning and assimiliating with humility and grace. I am so proud of what he has accomplished physically, but I cannot express adequately in words the amount of pride I feel for the person that he is and for the "inner" black belt he has become.

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