Saturday, April 5, 2008

My Dear Friend...

Once in a great while, you meet someone and you feel as if you have known them your whole life. They are just so easy to be around, you want to bear your soul to them, and for some reason they just see the good in you...

This special soul was meant to be my friend. She touched my life and that of my family's within just a few moments. She loved, appreciated, and found the humor in my little Missy, when she can often be so misunderstood...Her family became part of ours immediately, and the bond I feel for them is difficult to explain given the short time I have known them...

There was a time when I felt a little isolated by judgement from many important people in my life...I experienced uncomfortable periods of silence, comments of confusion, and down right anger from some---as if I was the sole decision-maker and cause of my "circumstances".... But this wonderful sister of mine lifted me, supported me, comforted me, and defended me when others questioned and made assumptions.

The gratitude and overwhelming blessing I feel because of this woman is beyond words. And I hope that now...ESPECIALLY now...she can feel the love and support I want to give to her.

Sending you my deepest heartfelt prayers, friend...

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