Tuesday, October 27, 2009

At a loss for words?

Seven months since my last post. That is just plain sad. Not sure if it's lack of time, lack of motivation, inablility to formulate a sentence that doesn't sound retarded...Maybe I am at a loss for words. I have spent the last two years involved in writing/editing a book. Maybe that process just squeezed every last syllable out of my soul, that I had nothing left to put here...

I do want to keep this up. I want to have somewhere to go when I am old and senile to remind me of what things were like when I was younger--when my kids were young and still thought I may have some authority. When they still wanted to snuggle with me and hold my hand when crossing the street...I want to remember funny precious moments with them and aggravating gray-hair-forming moments as well...I love my angels and I am holding onto them as long as they will let me...

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