Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Baby

I have the most amusing converstions with Michael...He is the one who will ask questions, and WILL NOT LET IT GO until he is completely satisfied with the answer I give him--which somtimes (actually, MANY times) puts me in an uncomfortable position.

I have been raked over the coals about where God is, Santa Claus, why he can't kiss me with his mouth open like he sees people do on TV, ...and I'm pretty sure he will be the most difficult of the three to discuss the whole birds/bees fiasco.

He is the one who is very sensitive to my moods. He asks me if I am angry with him. He cries if he thinks I am. He snuggles with me, and holds my face to kiss me, and he tells me he loves me "more than Chuck E. Cheese" and "all the way to heaven and back." He melts my heart when he is sad and makes me belly laugh when he is happy.

He is the baby, and looking at this picture, I want to cry because he looks so grown up.

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