Sunday, February 11, 2007

Missy's World...

I really could fill a book with just quotes that come from this little girl's mouth--quotes that truly make me belly laugh. She is not trying to be funny in the least, but the things that come out of her, and the way she sees and interacts with the world are sometimes so humorous... Of the three, she is probably the most tender-hearted and sensitive... although, the very thin layer on her outside can be tough, contrary, an dramatic!

At prayer-time, this little angel has her eyes closed the tightest and her hands clasped most earnestly...her heart-felt blessings for those around her can bring me to tears. Her Grandma Frances passed away a few weeks ago, and she said that she and Papa (her grandpa who passed away three years ago) were "alive in heaven together now." She blessed her friend's mom who "is also in heaven now," and lists all the special people in her life (including our dog, cat and her stuffed bunny)...She recaps all her feelings throughout the day--who she's angry at, what made her sad, why she doesn't want her brothers touching her pillow, ALL in her bedtime prayers...Sometimes her conversations with God can be verrrrrrryyyy looooooong, but she means every word of it from deep in her special little soul...

And then to round out the day, we'll have a conversation such as the one we had today, when she told me how excited she was to be invited to her friend Isabella's birthday party. She listed all her friends that would be there, and said "AND Adam will be there too, Mama!", smiling and obviously very happy about it. So when I asked if Adam was her "special" friend, she replied very matter-of-factly, "No... Adam is the boy I punched in the stomach. But he's my friend now." And that's our little princess in a nutshell...

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