Sunday, September 14, 2008

A Missy Original...

I found this picture almost accidently under a stack of several of Missy's doodles and drawings that she leaves around randomly, looking almost trash-like. I usually take a quick peek at the papers before they make it to the recycling bin, and this is the gem I discovered the other day... When asked to tell me what was going on in the picture, she said something about it being a really windy day, an apple falling out of the tree and almost hitting the deer, and the other animal in the picture is a lion. Poor deer.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Another proud parenting moment...

I was dropping off the kids at school the other day, feeling a little sad that they are not so little anymore. We had a great morning--they all got ready when they were supposed to, no fighting, no tattling, no last-minute "I forgot to do my homework" was a miracle. They have really been enjoying the school year so far--Michael's assessment has been, "Mama, First Grade is WAY better than Kindergarten!"

So that morning, we picked up our little car-poolers, and as I pulled up to drop them off, they all just rushed to get out the door. Feeling slightly hurt, I said "Hey, isn't anyone going to give me a kiss?" The collective answer was, "NO."

By this time, 5th Grader Matthew was just about to get out and I said, "So Matthew, you can either give me a kiss here, OR I can come to your classroom and you can give me one there."

I got my kiss.